Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Officially Ipledge Registered

Today I got my letter in the mail that has my Ipledge password and account number on it. This means I am officially registered with Ipledge. The Ipledge system is a program the government put in place for the prevention of pregnancy while on Accutane. Accutane is known to cause birth defects so it is very important that you do not get pregnant while using Accutane. Ipledge is a way of having control over woman getting pregnant, it requires two forms of birth control. My two selected birth control options are the pill and make latex condoms. Most dermatologist will not even consider prescribing you Accutane unless you are on the pill, abstinence is not an accepted form of birth control for them. On top of using the two forms of birth control you are also required to have a pregnancy test every month before you can refill your prescription.Your doctor must summit your result into the Ipledge system. After you have taken your pregnancy test and been submitted into the system you have exactly 7 days to pick up your prescription before you are booted from the system and have to start all over again with the process. Only doctors and pharmacies that are registered with Ipledge can prescribe or fill the prescriptions. So my official date for my next pregnancy test and the start of my Accutane is now March 3rd.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Starting Process

The starting process for Accutane is kind of a long one. I first had to find a Dermatologist that would prescribe Accutane because not all of them will due to the amount of paper work involved. When I went to see my Dermatologist I took a bag full of my previous prescriptions, and a note from my previous Dermatologist (she sent me to another Dermatologist because she did not prescribe Accutane). Most if not all people will  have to have already been prescribed prescription acne medication before Accutane will be considered.  I had to plead my case to this Dermatologist to even be prescribe Accutane because of all issues surrounding this product. After my new Dermatologist approved me for Accutane I had to basically sign my life away, and sit through a 30 minute lecture on the possible side effects of Accutane. Before you can begin Accutane you have to be registered with Ipledge for 30 days, have 2 pregnancy test, and be on birth control for 30 days, and have your blood work done. I am currently on the 30 Ipledge wait at the moment, but I am counting down the days till the process begins. I recently started my birth control which in the past caused me to have more skin issues and this makes me pretty nervous. After you begin the Accutane process you have to have monthly blood work and pregnancy test before you can pick up your prescription. I will update weekly once I am actually on the Accutane but for now here is what i am starting with. I only have acne on my cheeks, but it is enough to drive me completely insane. Here is to the start of the Accutane process, and hopefully happy clear days to come.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

About Me and This Blog

 About Me and This Blog
 My name is Danielle and I am 25 years old. I have been dealing with acne for about 4 years now possibly longer. I have literally tried everything possible to get clear skin. If someone told me to run around the world once naked with a munchkin on my back to cure my acne, I would probably do it. I recently was Accutane approved and I wanted to share the Accutane process with others. I decided the best place to do it would be with a blog. I will upload pictures (and trust me that is hard for me) and record progress with weekly updates. I will include all the negatives I experience, and positives. Accutane has been shown in such a negative light, but my Dermatologist seems hopeful this is the cure for me.  I would like anyone who is experiencing acne to know I understand what you are going through. I have never been so sad in my life with how I look. Every time I look in the mirror I wish I was someone else. Every time a person feels the need to come talk to me about my skin with there crappy opinions I want to scream and hide. Every time I see a pretty girl with perfect skin I cannot help but think she is looking at the hideous monster I have grown to be with all this acne. I appreciate all comments but please remember I am going through this and it is hard.