Sunday, February 6, 2011

About Me and This Blog

 About Me and This Blog
 My name is Danielle and I am 25 years old. I have been dealing with acne for about 4 years now possibly longer. I have literally tried everything possible to get clear skin. If someone told me to run around the world once naked with a munchkin on my back to cure my acne, I would probably do it. I recently was Accutane approved and I wanted to share the Accutane process with others. I decided the best place to do it would be with a blog. I will upload pictures (and trust me that is hard for me) and record progress with weekly updates. I will include all the negatives I experience, and positives. Accutane has been shown in such a negative light, but my Dermatologist seems hopeful this is the cure for me.  I would like anyone who is experiencing acne to know I understand what you are going through. I have never been so sad in my life with how I look. Every time I look in the mirror I wish I was someone else. Every time a person feels the need to come talk to me about my skin with there crappy opinions I want to scream and hide. Every time I see a pretty girl with perfect skin I cannot help but think she is looking at the hideous monster I have grown to be with all this acne. I appreciate all comments but please remember I am going through this and it is hard.