Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Side Effects

The side effects are slowly starting to subside, although they do not fully vanish. The headaches and tiredness are really all that is hitting me, but the dryness is enough to kill you. I am learning to adjust my life around Accutane and the side effects. I had to switch shampoo and condition to try to help my dry itchy scalp. I switch to the Dove 2 in 1 ultra moisturizer and still use a conditioner on top of that. I still itch a lot though. That is still not the worst the chap lips are killer, and the peeling on my face is out of control. I googled the best thing to use and it seemed everyone is saying Cetaphil is a great cleanser for your skin. It is soap free and meant to be sensitive, and it can double as a lotion. The lotion most people seem to flock to is Aquaphor for overnight dryness, although I feel very greasy using this product. I also purchased Blistex for complete moisture for my chap lips although I have to constantly reapply. The biggest thing I have learned is I can under no condition leave the house without chap stick, even backup chap stick. My lips are very dry to a point it becomes painful. I have never had so much chap stick on hand in my entire life but I cannot go through that pain. I have a Dermatologist appointment on the 28th so I will post back then when my Doctor tells me more.